Dr. Sheela Kumari
- Sheela et al. Knowledge, attitude and practices in the use of lasers in prosthodontics among dental professionals.Strad Res.2022:9(2).
- Sheela et al. Esthetic management of congenital missing teeth.Int J life sci Pharmaresearch. 2022 SP44:218-221.
- Dhanasekhar Kesavelu, K. Sheela, Ponsekar Abraham.Stages of psychological development of child – an overview.Int J current Res and rev.2021:13(13).
- Sheela et al.Biocompatibility and properties of alloys in dentistry – A review.Int J med Sci and applied res.2021:4(4):336-340.
- Dhanasekhar Kesavelu, Sheela K.General health and pharmacological benefits of curcumin – A natural healing agent.Int.J.Res.Pharm Sci.2021:12(1):334-338.
- Sheela K and D. Kesavelu.Role of vitamin D for oral health and overall health.Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.2021:15(1):1806-181.
- Sheela Sivakumar. Management of Partial Edentulism Using Nonrigid Connectors as a Treatment Modality: A Case Report.Cureus.2020 Apr 23;12(4):e7790.
- Sheela et al. Review of abutment evaluation in fixed partial denture in the field of prosthodontics in dentistry.J Xidian Univ.2020:14(9):1218-1226.
- Sheela et al .An overview of effective child management in pediatric dentistry and guidance factor for children with special health care needs.Journal of critical Review.2020:7(18):4206-4210.
- K. Sheela, Arun Kumar. T.M.Lalith Kumar,Rathika Rai.Bio-Tribocorrossion in dental
implants.2020:16(10):276-284. - Dr.Sheela Kannucham, Dr.Dhanasekhar Kesavelu,Rathika Rai,Ranjani,Mary Kurali Ayeni.Evaluation of Telemedicine among healthcare professionals and general population – A cross sectional study.NOVYI MIR Res Journal.2020.5(8)190-202.
- Sheela et al. Scope of teledentistry for oral health – An overview.ADALYA journal.2020:9(10):96-102.
- Sheela et al. Overview and preventive strategies of coronavirus among healthcare communities.J cur res rev.2020:12(15):2-6.
- Sheela kumari et al.Misconception of covid-19 among general population a cross sectional study.NOVYIR MIR Res J.2020: 5(11):51-62..
- K. Sheela, Dhanasekhar Kesavelu, Rathika Rai. Awareness and Preventive measures to the threat of covid-19 infection.Int J sci res.2020:9(5):67-69.
- Sheela kumari, Rathika rai, P.Kanmani. Prosthodontic Perspective for Esthetics.International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology.2019:4(12):83-90.
- K. Sheela Sivakumar, G. Sruthi, R. Srileka.Survey on clinical performance on removal partial dentures.World J Pharm Pharmceut Sci.2018:8(1):1005-1015
- Sheela kumari, Rathika Rai. Prosthetic management of oral submucous fibrosis : A case report an innovative method for fabrication of sectional dentures.The Libyan dental journal.2017:7:1-7.
- Rathika Rai, Nirmal Bettie, Anusha sathyamoorthy, Sheela kumari. Management of infected implant site using laser therapy – A case report.Int J sci Res edu.2016:4(4):5257-5262.
- Rathika Rai and Sheela Kumari. Prosthodontic management of Oral submucous fibrosis-A case report.Int J Dent Health Sci 2015:2(4):1027-1035.
- Sheela kumari et al. Management of limited mouth opening in prosthodontics with acupuncture treatment.2014:2(4).
- Rathika Rai, K. Sheela Kumari, Rashmi, Prabhu. Physiology of Speech and Its Effect on Velopharyngeal Function. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.2014:13(12):8-13