Dr. R. Anjana
1.Jayasenthil A,Rajendran A, Sree Vidya G. Evaluation of the anxiety among the undergraduates during endodontic treatment. IP Ann ProsthodontRestor Dent 2023; 9(2): 84-86.
2.Jayasenthil A,Rajendran A, Mohan Kumar P, Yesudass R. A survey of the knowledge and awareness on intra-canal medicaments in endodontic practice among both the general dental practioners and non-endodontic specialists of Tamilnadu. IP Ann ProsthodontRestor Dent 2023; 9(2): 101-105.
3.Jayasenthil A, Anjana R, SreeVidhya. Comparing the Effectiveness of Different Desensitizing Agents in the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity – An In Vivo Study. Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Vol 27, Issue 1, 2023, pg 2602-2607.
4.AthikesavanJayasenthil, Anjana R, Sreevidya G. Clinical Efficacy of Three Desensitizing Agents in Treating Dentin Hypersensitivity – A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda 2023; 57(1): 71- 75.
5.Rajendran A. Effects of elevated temperature in forensic endodontics: A comparative Review. Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences. 12(3), Sept- Dec 2022, pg 201-205.
6.Rajendran A. Clinical Performance of Ceramic Inlay Systems – A SystematicReview. International Journal Dental and Medical Science Research, Vol 3, Issue 4, July-Aug 2021 pp 330-343. ISSN: 2582-6018.